We provide solutions!
Hospital furniture and medical supplies
Our expert advice, strategic resources and integrated solutions support quality care to meet the needs of you and your patients, as well as improved efficiency and productivity to meet the needs of your practice.
Care from the hospital and at home with medical supplies and clinical expertise you can trust.
We don't just sell hospital furniture and medical supplies - WE GIVE SOLUTIONS!
Our fully integrated service team will develop a comprehensive plan for you to successfully coordinate your various primary care operations.
Because of the wide variety of competitively priced medical supplies we offer, we are much more than just a distributor.
Everything for home care as well as in hospitals, clinics, among others.
Products for wound treatment, healing and surgical supply, consumables for hospital areas.
We commercialize national and international market options, adjusting to the parameters requested by each client.
Supplies for the use of the professional in the area, from a basic level to a specialized laboratory.
Patient care accessories, we have the ideal product to improve your quality of life.
Individuals, Rural Clinics, Urban Clinics, small and medium enterprise clients, as well as large hospitals and corporations nationwide.
Several government agencies have us in their best interest to take advantage of certain health care related items.
We have the necessary medical instruments to ensure the best care for each patient.
We have a specialized medical team for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and movement disorders
Emergency centers play a critical role in serving communities by providing high quality care and bridging the health care access gap between primary care and emergency centers.
Several renowned health ministries count on SUMINMEDIC as a guarantee of excellence in their medical procedures.
We have the necessary infrastructure to ensure our customers the service, attention, support and solution to all their medical equipment purchasing needs.